
Welcome. Toss a blanket down, sit for a while under the willow, relax, and enjoy what's written below.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Greetings from under the willow tree,

Which of the above three is the hardest? I suppose that question will be answered differently by everyone who reads it. For me, it is waiting. For a while I thought it was editing, but I find waiting is worse-much worse.

I love writing and I could spend all day writing. Editing isn’t my favorite thing to do, but it makes my WIP better and I still get a dose of writing which helps.

Waiting for many things along the way is difficult. For nearly two years I have been working on Gypsy Spirits from my first thoughts about whether or not I could turn my base idea into a novel to today where I sit and wait for its release next week.

All of you reading about me discussing my journey know this blog was started to vent frustrations and share excitement and help I have found along the way. Here we are and I have decided that the waiting was the worst for many reasons.
I thought I was alone in my writing world. I patiently waited to see if I could find and connect with others in the same situation. I did and it made my writing world better each day, but it also brought more waiting. I found Ladies Who Critique and it was one of the best finds in my writing quest. Laura Pepper Wu had a wonderful idea with her site and it is where I connected with Linda. Linda is the best critique partner/editor I could have asked for. However, as each chapter was sent off, I waited and wondered what she would think, say and how much red would show on her critique when it was returned. I began to be grateful for the red changes. It helped me get my book into shape. Her final edit of the entire book at once was the longest wait, but well worth it.
If you are in the same place I was, you need to try your best to connect with other writer on-line. Start a writer’s page on Facebook. Search for other writing pages on Facebook. I found one simply titled "Writer." Check it out, it is hepful.You’ll have to wait for people to connect to your page, but it is worth it. Start a blog, the readers will come after a wait J Join Twitter. That was my latest attempt to connect and it is not only fun and I can read other people’s ideas and get helpful links, but people are now following me. Me! Wow, I don’t even know them and they are following me. I thought I would have to wait a long time for a follower besides my best friend.
Once all of these things are in place and your WIP is ready to be published, the biggest waiting period begins. Will anyone buy the book besides my best friend? If someone does, will they want to return it? Will someone give me one star only because a one-half star was not available and write a review saying it was the worst drivel they had ever read? Waiting! A week from now I will know. I would love to go away on a nice vacation, but I can’t think of anywhere I wouldn’t be wondering about it or checking on its progress. Possibly a tiny island near Figi without internet access might work.
I wish the best of luck to all of you in the same situation. Hold onto your sanity.

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