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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Gathering Knowledge and A Book Review

Greeting from the willow tree,
My post today about gathering knowledge begins with a review of Toby Neal’s novel. In order to become better writers, we not only need to write we need to read. Reading in your own genre is a wonderful way to gather ideas. Reading outside of your genre is entertaining and you will learn ways of writing you may have over looked. Regardless of what you enjoy reading; I would strongly suggest you read “Blood Orchids.”
Toby Neal is a remarkable talent. Her novel “Blood Orchids” is a must read for mystery lovers and non-mystery lovers alike. It is one of the best books I have read in a long time.
Toby grabs you on page one and doesn’t let go until the last. In between she guides you down one path after another getting closer to the conclusion only to twist and turn you around into another direction. Her brilliant plot will keep you reading happily past bedtime, during lunch and break time.
Her incredible detail of the characters and the beauty of Hawaii are vivid. Not only do you learn about Lei as a police officer, but on a personal level as well. Toby draws you slowly into her life and when you think you know Lei, Toby once again surprises you with twists and turns.
“Blood Orchids” is available at and Don’t let this one get away. I read it in four days and can’t wait for the second book. I am more than pleased that Toby decided to write a series. However, I think any book she writes will be well received.
We all have favorite genres, but you can branch out and enjoy reading and learning more about your craft. As I mentioned before, I was hooked on mystery with my first Nancy Drew book, but my grandchildren introduced me to the wonderful world of Harry Potter, the Twilight series and Percy Jackson. My grandson insists I read “The Hunger Games.” I am also stepping out of my normal reading pattern with Amanda Hocking’s “Hollowland,” which is wonderful. I am following a new, young writer as she works on her first novel. I read the chapters of 1800s romance my critique partner sends me.
Boiled down, my advice is read and keep reading. Branch out and read whatever suits your fancy when you read a review or jacket cover. You may discover a love for a subject you would have ignored or after a chapter you’ll return the book to the library. You may find yourself devouring a book you never thought you might enjoy. That was my experience with George R.R. Martin’s “Throne of Crowns.” It was my son’s suggestion and so far out of my reading pattern, I thought he was crazy. I am now a fan. Enjoy reading and writing everyday.

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